Explore How and why
After decades of working in big corporations such as Telstra, Ooredoo and Maxis, our team started a consulting business that delivers optimal solutions to procure and design operator’s networks. We’ve spent most of our times on sites to survey, identify latent problems, build or restructure, document and monitor innumerable networks. Over the years, we realised that most operators are using a very conventional way to monitor their site accesses; this deficiency of a transparent system to monitor accesses for the domestic and global remote telco sites has impacted greatly on operators’ network financial budget.
Why does operators need a systematic way to monitor accesses for all remote telco sites? The current process is time and cost consuming while giving operators no system to monitor nor control accesses to sites. Most telecom sites are secured by mechanical locks, which means that the keys must be stored at a secure and easy-to-reach place. However, that is usually not the case. Each engineer or manager that wants to visit a remote site must first fetch the key from the central office. This commute could easily take up to 5-6 hours and consume at least 5-8 litres of gas (per visit) due to horrendous traffic conditions. On top of that, the keys are easily duplicated or misplaced which expose telco sites to vandalism. Some operators have started using combination locks or storing keys somewhere nearby the remote sites, but this only means the managers at the monitoring center continues to have zero visibility on who is accessing the site, for what purpose and for how long.
Keys and Site Accesses
So, how does businesses manage their keys and site accesses?
The conventional lock & key system
The conventional lock & key system is obsolete. Many multi-million corporations still utilises the 100 year-old mechanical locks that are inefficient and unsecure.

Nowadays, we have more than 4 million telecoms towers in the world that are either independently owned or co-shared. With mechanical key locks, operators do not have a system that allows them to overview the real-time status of domestic and international sites.
We want to provide a hands-on solution to abolish the obsolete system and that’s how the idea of a ‘rigorous industrial access control management system’ was born. The system needs to go through a medium and that was how the ‘keyless smart locks’ came into place. Through the smart locks, managers can now collect insightful data which is synchronised, stored and analysed through our access system that monitor the sites in real-time.
Our trial
Our trial on a major telecom operator in South-East Asia

Our in-depth understanding of telecoms operation was carefully curated into the system that allows operator managers, NOC managers to gain information on:
- who request access for which particular site; what is the reason of the request
- how long will he/she be in there; how frequent does he/she visit the site (is there any problems in that site?); etc.

Everything can be done via the system in 1-2 minutes. Once the virtual keys are authorised, it is as simple as using the keys to open the doors. No more stranded feeling of being locked out, no more wasted time waiting for the keys, no more oblivion over your own assets. Save time, cut cost, increase security and transparency.