Emphasising The Why
Basil Byrne – Managing Partner of Willowmore Pte Ltd shared his views with an engaging audience in the 56th ICA Conference held in Singapore on the 15th September 2022.
The Future of Trust in Network: Securing and Digitalising Future Networks. Many developed countries promoting Smart City projects but many still using 19th century mechanical locks.
We have a huge opportunity to digitalise every single site. This will not only secure share holder assets but also protect revenue flows, drive field service efficiencies promote a positive brand image and improve customer service.
About ICA
The International Council for Information Technology in Government Administration (ICA) is a non-profit international association.
It promotes and facilitates the informal exchange of ideas, knowledge and experiences on the management, organisational impact and use of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) in central government administration.
Annual conferences, study groups, regular publications and frequent contacts between ICA members and associates are used to achieve ICA’s goals.