Enterprise Smart Locks and Access Control System for
Tower Companies
There are many reasons for the expansion of Tower Companies, including:
- Maximise, optimise and share the utilisation of telecom assets
- Increased mobile coverage for all operators countrywide and minimised network gaps.
- Allowing for infrastructure expansion and internet connectivity.

Site Compound
Owned by Tower Company
Solar Panels
Owned by Company B
To ensure fair competition among key players who use the same space, Tower Companies is entrusted with the task to protect the assets for each and every stakeholders. It is sensitive and crucial to make sure the restricted area can only be accessed by authorised personnel. Tower Companies can increase its market-share by providing revolutionary solutions to:
- Prevent theft and vandalism
- Communicate transparently with operators
- Identify and react responsively to an emergency
If anything happens on site, Tower Companies will be tasked to explain the details and know who is accountable for what happened. This will normally be a long process if we calculate travelling time down to site, checking manual logbooks for jobs done and key press and which contractors are on site at the point of the event.
- Secure operators’ equipment and assets
- Facilitate access control for all operators and their contractors
- Provide minimum service agreements and maintenance
Our Solution

Willowmore Enterprise Smart Locks and Smart Access Control System (ACMS) have the abilities to facilitate access keys and associated tasks en masse, promising to save at least ½ of the time normally used by traditional methods. We have unique features that cater specifically to enterprises with large head-counts that even includes their third party contractors.
After locking the smart locks, users are tasked to take a picture of the locked door/ gate to inform the NOC manager that the assets were locked properly.
Emergency Mode:
In the case a smart lock is out of battery, it can be jump-started one last time to unlock in case of emergencies.
Manage Multiple Accounts:
- Support multiple level approvals, notifications for enterprise smart lock access
- Enterprise Role-based smart lock access control to isolate responsibility and visibility
- Configure accounts for multiple hierarchical organisation support
- Monitor smart lock’s status remotely in real time: Monitor the status of projects, ad-hoc cases, scheduled cases or request process
- Monitor enterprise smart locks health (Battery, status, timer or other events)
Notification Alerts (SMS/OTP):
- Alert when smartlock has less than 10% battery life remaining
- Virtual key expiry warning
- Alert on incomplete access logs
- Specific menu bar and information personalised for different roles
- Customised monitoring dashboard